Tag: well-being

Thanksgiving and grazing

it’s that time of year from now until Super Bowl where a good amount of the struggles start to happen.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are fantastic times of the year. Let’s face it……family, friends, presents, love, good memories, fireplaces, hot apple cider, hot chocolate………the list could go on.

With all those good feelings, for some people it can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. I’m not talking about the shopping for presents and dealing with the crowds; I’m talking about the battle in your minds with food.

I know for me in years past, I would really get stressed about this time of year because I knew I was going to be inundated with food, drink and more food.  It freaked me out that I felt I was getting ready, mentally for warfare.  It wasn’t so much a fun and festive time for me, because of that I missed out on a lot of things being consumed with my thoughts of food and the battle to come.

Can anyone relate to that? Does anyone else struggle with this?

Well, let me see if I can put a few things in perspective and then provide some tips and encouragement for you.

These are holidays and people always put the emphasis on food more than gifts. Sounds crazy right? It’s true, people will sit around a table for hours on end eating, drinking and then doing it some more.

I recently watched an episode from the Hunger Games: Catching Fire where the main characters are at this party with all this food around them, no way you would be able to try it all in one evening………….they offered them a drink and when Peeta asked what it was, they told him it was to help him throw up the food so he can have more, you have to try it all because it’s all so good and amazing.
Well, that is not appealing to me at all (it’s called binge and purge which is bulemia, an eating disorder which is serious, but I am not going to discuss it here at this time), but yet that is how society is surrounding food. Eat it all up, taste all of it…….it’s like an orgy for your mouth.

So, what do you do for the holidays? I say, enjoy the 2 days out of the year, but within reason. Don’t go overboard that you feel stuffed and sick, that isn’t a pleasant experience. The temptation is to  want to taste many things offered. Just plan ahead – make sure you have a macrobalanced breakfast. Don’t wait all day to eat and then think, I will fill up on Thanksgiving dinner. That is not the way to plan and you won’t feel well and overeat in the process.  Pick out your 3 favorites with good portions, not so the plate is overflowing. That way, you are eating what you really like the most and won’t feel deprived. Also, don’t worry about feeling guilty for not trying something  or that you’re being rude, you’re not. I refuse offers all the time and people just say ok. It’s not a big deal to say no, it’s your choice to eat what you want. Having poor health as a result isn’t the outcome we’re looking for. We want to be healthy and have fun during the holidays.

When it comes to desserts, pick your absolute favorite and enjoy it.
I do recommend that you make sure to get enough protein to balance out the carbohydrates.  Also, have smaller portions of the carbohydrates to balance with the protein, that will help you not to “crash” after the meal. 


Take your time not to rush, savor the flavor of whatever you decide to eat. Being a food addict, I eat very fast, I’m better now than I used to be, but it’s still a struggle for me.  When I really make the effort to chew slowly, I notice I really taste the food so much more and enjoy it too.

See the issue isn’t the one day, but all the days in between with the left overs or things that family or friends brought over. How many of you are trying to send the food away with people for fear you will eat it all?  I think we have all done it at one time or another.
I say, take some of the food and put it away in the fridge. Then check out this idea……..

Set up a buffet style table with all the leftovers and provide the guests with to go packaging.  That way, you have what you want already in your fridge (you won’t feel you lost out – come on, I know the feeling of someone taking the food away and the anxiety there won’t be any left for me, let’s be honest) They will leave with something for lunch or dinner the next day and get what they really wanted because the setup is buffet style. You can really have fun with this and enjoy it………….giving more as they walk out the door.

Now some people like to exercise to burn off the extra food that they typically don’t eat. If that is you, please do so and go for a brisk walk or 2. Honestly, it doesn’t matter which time of day you exercise, in fact, there’s been a lot of research on this over the past 6 months and it doesn’t matter when you exercise. If you like it in the morning, afternoon or evening, just do it and enjoy!


  • Have a well macrobalanced breakfast and avoid snacking throughout the morning. There will be plenty when it’s meal time to eat.
  • Choose 3 of your favorites and make sure you have enough protein to balance out the carbohydrates
  • Do some exercising if you want to whenever you’d like during the day.
  • Remember that the carbohydrates to control are potatoes, rice, breads, desserts and alcohol. I would suggest, turkey, green beans, and potatoes – If you want the alcohol – nix the dessert……if you want the potatoes, then nix the alcohol or dessert. Pick one complex carbohydrate.
  • Take smaller bites – they big and small bites taste the same. The smaller bites will be better because you will eat less and have the same satisfaction.
  • The day after a holiday you’re usually dehydrated. You may think you’re hungry, but you’re dehydrated.  You should typically take in 8-14 glasses a day, but I would definitely go towards the 14 glasses when recovering from the holiday meal.
  • Exercise – run or walk 10 mins, then go lift some weights, then go bike for 10 mins, then go lift weights again or yoga – stretching is beneficial for activating the muscle metabolism.  This back and forth really aids in activating the muscles and keeps the heart rate working well.

I wish you all the best holiday season. Enjoy your time with your family and friends.

Peace and love,



**some of the information is from Dr. Donald Layman

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Do you know what IBS is like? I did for years. …… not since November 2013. Thank goodness.

From the Mayo Clinic:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). Irritable bowel syndrome commonly causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. IBS is a chronic condition that you will need to manage long term.

The signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can vary widely from person to person and often resemble those of other diseases. Among the most common are:

  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • A bloated feeling
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea or constipation — sometimes alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea
  • Mucus in the stool

Well that certainly isn’t any fun dealing with this. I noticed that I developed this after my body went through a year of chemotherapy and other medications that went along with it. I am not sure if that is the reason why, but I do know that is when I started noticing things on a regular basis and it was getting worse over the next 5 years!

My mother also suffered from it too and she would either be on the toilet off and on all day or hadn’t been for days. I had her try what I was using and I asked her a couple of weeks later if she noticed anything different? She said, “Honestly honey, no.” I replied, “Well, you’re not telling me how you are on the toilet or not for the last 2 weeks suffering!” She said…………..Oh yeahhhhhhhhh.

It’s amazing to me when you are suffering you notice it completely, but when things are running normally and on all cylinders, you just go about your business.

Suffering this way was causing an issue at work where I would be in and out of the bathroom. It got to the point that I had to quit coffee! How horrible is that? I do love a cup of coffee a day – I’m lactose intolerant too, so the double whammy!

Anyway, what do you do when you are struggling? Changing some things in your diet I am sure can help, but if you don’t have good gut health, well that is where a lot more than IBS  can cause health issues for you.  I found something that actually worked for me and I know a lot more people it has helped with IBS where their symptoms are gone, like me.

I know, you’re probably thinking it’s some wonder drug……NO! the best part about it, it’s all natural! I’m serious, it’s really changed my life and I am in the best health ever!!!!!!!

If you suffer with IBS or even Ulceritive Colitis (UC is very serious and I’ve seen people suffer greatly, but with this product get control and quality of life back) please email me and I would be happy to get you the information on this product.  healthytransformationnation@gmail.com

Have a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving to you all!


The Spirit of Desire

Today let’s look at desire as the primal creative energy within us, and at the heart of creation. Desire is the feeling force of life itself. As you tap into this powerful life force,  make sure that what you manifest is not only positive and life-supporting in your life, but for everyone else as well. What you do affects those around you and when you change positively others will see it and want to emulate it. Whether or not they want to, they are forced to change because of your changes. Do you desire to have that kind of change in your life? Do you want your loved ones around you to become more positive and healthy?

You want to change things within yourself to be the best you that you can be or you wouldn’t be here. Change from the inside out – learning about your root cause and fulfilling the desire to be who you want to be. Visualize that – see yourself as you want to be, not as others see you, but how YOU want to be. It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, starting is the key. When are you going to start?

To tap into the spirit of desire, take some time today to really think about what you want to be, look like and feel, but as yourself not someone else. Too many times I’ve seen and heard that women want to be like others – what they are told is the best way to look and be. I want you to desire to be the best YOU! You are unique and special as an individual – honor that!

I want you to create from the level of intelligence of Nature that already upholds and harmoniously integrates all the diversity of the cosmos. This isn’t just the easiest way to manifest desires that are beneficial for everyone – it’s really the only way to create in a way that is in accord with all the other forces of evolution. Our silent awareness is aligned with the infinite intelligence of Nature, and our small ego mind isn’t. Today in meditation contact that source of desire – the source of thought, deep within awareness. Then as desire sprouts from that silence, it will attract all the nourishment and guidance it needs to manifest.

I desire to have a healthy body and live a healthy and fulfilled life. That is why I offer the services that I do to those that want to embrace the life & health and improve overall well-being. It isn’t easy in world where you have obstacles, but now I love obstacles because when I get over them, I am stronger and better for it.  I can help you with your obstacles – overcoming with support and encouragement is awesome. You don’t have to go it alone.

So ponder this and then take action:

What do you want to do with your life? What are your desires you wish to fulfill when it comes to your life and health? How are you going to create the life and health you want? HTN can help you, all you need to do is reach out. We are here.

Peace & health!


#healthytransformationnation #healthy #motivation #transformation #HTN4U #happiness #instadaily #fitspiration #focus #possibilities #meditation #meditate #guidance #dedication #discipline #decision #determination

It is an awesome thing to comprehend that what a human being dreams and imagines can be realized.” ― Vanna Bonta

*some of the writings are excerpts from Deepak Chopra