Tag: strength

Merry Christmas

Good morning!

I wanted to take a few moments to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Remember, this time of year is about family, not food.  We have a tendency to look at food as the main part of our socializing, when the focus should be love, catching up on life with relatives we don’t see as often as we should and laughing. I love laughing, it’s such a great medicine!

Remember the tips I gave you from the Thanksgiving post:


  • Have a well macrobalanced breakfast and avoid snacking throughout the morning. There will be plenty when it’s meal time to eat.
  • Choose 3 of your favorites and make sure you have enough protein to balance out the carbohydrates
  • Do some exercising if you want to whenever you’d like during the day.
  • Remember that the carbohydrates to control are potatoes, rice, breads, desserts and alcohol. I would suggest, turkey, green beans, and potatoes – If you want the alcohol – nix the dessert……if you want the potatoes, then nix the alcohol or dessert. Pick one complex carbohydrate.
  • Take smaller bites – they big and small bites taste the same. The smaller bites will be better because you will eat less and have the same satisfaction.
  • The day after a holiday you’re usually dehydrated. You may think you’re hungry, but you’re dehydrated.  You should typically take in 8-14 glasses a day, but I would definitely go towards the 14 glasses when recovering from the holiday meal.
  • Exercise – run or walk 10 mins, then go lift some weights, then go bike for 10 mins, then go lift weights again or yoga – stretching is beneficial for activating the muscle metabolism.  This back and forth really aids in activating the muscles and keeps the heart rate working well.

With that said,


Best regards to you all!


Sunday Funday

I am sitting in my living room relaxing, on the computer and came across this photo and thought of you ladies:


I love the way she looks free, having fun, enjoying the moment, savoring it. That’s how I want to feel. Free, having fun and enjoying each moment – I wish it were possible all the time, but life and stressers that happen trigger things within us that can take away the good feelings we do have. The goal is to focus on the positive people,energies and situations around us that empower us!

I recently had to let go of a friend that is so negative, he can’t see his own hand in front of his face. That was a tough decision to make, but my overall health and well being are most important to me as I grow in my life. What situations do you see in your life that you need to change?  If you make the changes, how will you feel about them? Happier? Lighter? Peaceful?

Think about these things this week and have a happy Sunday Funday!