Tag: empowered

Work It Out!

OK, I go to the gym working out with my personal trainer 2x a week and yes, she kicks my bootie. I am not the type of person that is good at actually exercising on my own, unless I have the accountability. I struggle with ADHD, so I go all over the place if I don’t have a set schedule. I used to do some workouts with friends, but getting the coordination of time to workout down and the lack of dedication on their part to follow through just left me flat.

In June, I decided to go back to my old personal trainer. She knows me well and is excellent at what she does. I totally trust her. She is kind, but she knows how to push me to my limits and I love her for it. My body has changed in some ways and I am pleased that I am building up strength and muscle. I had surgery, so I had to build muscles differently, so the process is a little slower than most, but I am pleased with it.

I know if I didn’t have a personal trainer, it would be a lot more difficult for me to stay on task and workout on a regular basis, I am grateful to be able to workout with her.  However, why don’t I do it on my own? I know I have reasons/excuses for not, but why don’t I just push myself? This is something that is in my character and part of the ADHD……………but honestly, it’s a daily decision that I have to make to go workout. I have a gym membership that is right down the street a few miles from where I live, so why not go for it?

If you workout, how is that for you? What do you do to make it happen?  If you don’t workout, why not? What are the reasons/excuses you come up with?

I just confessed to mine and I wish I had more concentrated effort to do this on my own on the off days I don’t workout with my trainer.  Wishing isn’t going to make anything happen!  How many times do we wish this or that only to be disappointed because we don’t have it? That is fantasy land thinking there. The only way it’s going to happen is to Work It Out!

It’s time for me to stop making excuses and put it in my calendar like I do with my personal trainer and (in the words of Nike) Just Do It!

It’s mindset to go for it, do what I need to do, because I know I will be happier, feel better and look better in the end.  Not to mention the accomplishment of overcoming the issues in my life/character. Believing in myself and doing for myself…….loving myself to give the best to me.

Do you do that? Do you love yourself enough to get out of your own way? Remove that bodyguard that is trying to stop you from getting where you need to go.

The head game can get the best of us, will you let it get to you?

So, share with me your thoughts, insight and suggestions………….


me pumped up

workout and feel better, stronger and more determined that you can accomplish much!
Work It Out!

Turn that frown upside down :o)

Today I was feeling pretty discouraged about myself and how a couple of things in my life are going. I was feeling that my self-worth was low and out of whack with the rest of the people around me. Well, your sense of self-worth and its impact on fulfilling our desires is a great one. I have so much to offer the world and want to help other lead a happy, healthy and productive life. Don’t you want those things for yourself? Of course you do, that’s why you are here reading this blog! However, when things aren’t going the way we had hoped they would go, discouragement can creep in and that’s when it’s time to take action and nip it in the bud before it gets deeper and rooted and leads to unhealthy behaviors like binging and self loathing.

So, I put on my big girl pants and decided to take the time to feel what I was feeling and realizing that it wasn’t a truth I was listening to, but a lie.  Your true self – your core consciousness, is divine. So, knowing what I know about the feelings………which I felt, I turned to look at myself honestly and see what “truth” is really me. I literally told myself that I am smart, loving, kind, caring, thoughtful, beautiful, powerful, important and a crown diamond! I manifested those things – Yes! I am those things and only you know your truth. Don’t listen to the self loathing lies of defeat and discouragement. It only leads to negativity and a feeling of being unfulfilled.

You are pure light, love, joy, and fulfillment. You deserve happiness and the fulfillment of your desires, because happiness and fulfillment are your essential nature. Just imagine that……do you see yourself this way? If not, please take the time to focus on these things and know you are here and special! You are important to the universe simply because you are here. You are needed, wanted and loved! If it weren’t for you, life wouldn’t be as happy, wonderful, exciting and moving in a forward progress.

Know and understand your worth. You attract what you feel within. I know that there are times that I have bad energies and thoughts like I did today, that’s why I kicked them to the curb fast. It’s so easy to turn to friends, family or social media for answers, but they reside from within because no one knows you better than yourself.

In today’s meditation, we will experience our inner selves and know our true worth. As our experience of our real self becomes stronger, so does our awareness that we are deserving of all that is good. You don’t have to do anything to be deserving – you already are deserving.


“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.” ― Erich Fromm

**excerpts from Deepak Chopra

Sunday Funday

I am sitting in my living room relaxing, on the computer and came across this photo and thought of you ladies:


I love the way she looks free, having fun, enjoying the moment, savoring it. That’s how I want to feel. Free, having fun and enjoying each moment – I wish it were possible all the time, but life and stressers that happen trigger things within us that can take away the good feelings we do have. The goal is to focus on the positive people,energies and situations around us that empower us!

I recently had to let go of a friend that is so negative, he can’t see his own hand in front of his face. That was a tough decision to make, but my overall health and well being are most important to me as I grow in my life. What situations do you see in your life that you need to change?  If you make the changes, how will you feel about them? Happier? Lighter? Peaceful?

Think about these things this week and have a happy Sunday Funday!